MapLink™ Procedures | Applications, Exceptions and Conditions Analysis

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Applications, Exceptions and Conditions Analysis
Application and exceptions.
All new development within the Scenic Overlay District shall comply with the provisions of this article, except for the following exempt structures and uses:
A. Farm or farm-related structures. Such structures within the roadway buffer are encouraged to comply with rules for the roadway buffer.
B. Structures and uses existing on the effective date of this overlay district, provided that expansions or additions to existing development on or after the effective date of this article shall comply with these regulations.

Existing conditions analysis and site plan required.
A. All nonexempt development shall be subject to Article XIX: Site Plan Review, of this chapter. The development shall not be approved until the applicant therefor has submitted an existing conditions map, a site plan, and a landscape plan showing all existing and proposed features of the proposed development. When a preliminary plat is required to be filed for a subdivision in accordance with this Zoning Code, this article shall be administered and enforced at the time a preliminary plat is filed as part of the subdivision review process by the Planning Board. In other cases, such as, but not limited to, a building permit, this article shall be administered and enforced by the Code Enforcement Officer in connection with said permitting process.
B. The Code Enforcement Officer has the administrative power to waive the site plan review requirement for the development of a single-family home or a hiking trail that does not require subdivision if he determines through his application review that the proposed development meets the provisions set forth in this Scenic Overlay District.

See Article VIIIB: Route 54A Scenic Overlay District for more detailed information.